Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fibonacci Lateralus

just watch this video. it explains the Fibonacci Sequence and how Tool employs it in their brilliant album Lateralus.

Lateralus is one of my top 5 albums of all time. A lot of people say that it sounds better when the songs are rearranged in the Fibonacci Sequence order, but I'm not sure if I do. People say it flows better. I just think it's flow is more consistent, but I am a Tool snob and i have come to appreciate the way Tool creates art. They make it on their own terms, without any regard for the consumer (listener) whatsoever. Tool makes you work for it. You have to contemplate their music to a certain degree before you can fully appreciate it. I've come to love and respect that, and I think Lateralus is perfect just the way it is.

That being said, I still very much enjoy listening to the rearrangement. It's like listening to a whole different album.

pack a bong and enjoy the beauty of math in motion:

Lateralus (Fibonacci Rearrangement)
part I
part II

Alex Grey did the artwork for this album. It's pretty sexy.

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