Saturday, March 14, 2009


two of the dudes from Floor (Steve Brooks and Juan Montoya) formed Torche.

Torche isn't as drone or as chill as Floor, but they still rock pretty damn hard. Their heaviness stems more from the facial amp blasts of floor (like in "Sneech" and "Triangle Song") and the fact that theres now two guitarists in the line up.

Torche (self titled)
my favorite songs are Charge of the Brown Recluse, Fuck Addict, Vampyro, The Last Word, and the bonus track Make me Alive.

In Return
This 10inch is my favorite release by Torche, every song is killer.
the ending riffs of Tarpit Carnivore actually sound like a giant monster stomping around.

this album is pretty good. much more melodic-stoner-rock than their other stuff, but the title track is face melting heavy.

1 comment:

J. said...

Hey, just to let you know, none of the 'zshare' links work for the Torche/Floor postings you have up. Would love to snag the Floor 7 inch stuff if you have a chance to upload it again...