Tuesday, March 24, 2009

King Crimson

King Crimson was one of the first prog bands ever, and they're still one of the greatest band of all time.

I'm just gonna up my favorite albums for now. I'll prob put up my disco later (but it's like fucking 40 albums, and I don't feel like doing it all right now).


I first discovered this album when I was 14 and reading a list of Danny Carey's favorite albums of all time. This album has never and will never get old. I recently picked this up on vinyl for $6 at a used record shop. DEEEcent.

2003 The Power To Believe
part 1
part 2

This album is seriously some next level prog-tech stuff. The first track (The Power to Believe I: A Cappella) is one of the most beautiful and soothing intros ever, which is good because the next song, Level Five (the most fitting song name of all time) will literally boil your brain. Electrik is one of the trippiest songs I've ever heard and I'm pretty sure it's what self-transforming machine elves listen to when they dance.

1969 In The Court of the Krimson King

This was King Crimson's first real studio album. It's widely considered to be one of the greatest and most influential albums in the history of rock. I have been dying to learn the sexy sax part in 21st Century Schizoid Man. Epitaph is a beautiful marching ballad, and the title track is as epic as any song could possibly ever be.

2000 The ConstruKtion of Light
part 1
part 2

2002 Happy With What You Have To Be Happy With

1984 Three of a Perfect Pair

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